Religion 8 Assignments

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June Saint Project in Google Classroom

June Saint Project

Complete and submit the June Saint Project by Wednesday, June 1st. 


18 May 2022 in Google Classroom

18 May 2022

Dearest 8th Grade class, 

For homework please complete the following pages from the text book. This will be due by Tuesday (24 May 2022)  uploaded to Google classroom. 

1. Read pages 364-365 and Answer questions from 365-367
2. Do pages 368-369 INCLUDING Reflection questions
3. Do pages 370-372 including the Reflection Question
4. Finish copying all the Spiritual Adoption Posters on lined paper


23 May 2022 in Google Classroom

23 May 2022

For homework read and answer pp. 380-381. 


10 May 2022 in Google Classroom

10 May 2022

For homework, read pages 358-362. Make sure you upload pictures of your answers to Google Classroom before the deadline. 


2 May 2022 in Google Classroom

2 May 2022

Dear All, 

Please complete the My Saint Project that will be due on May 9th. 


4 May 2022 in Google Classroom

4 May 2022

For homework complete pages 345-348 and 350-351. Upload pics of these pages to google classroom.  


2 May 2022 Wonder Paragraph in Google Classroom

2 May 2022 Wonder Paragraph

Class, if you have not already done so please write a paragraph, 5+ sentences, describing a time you felt great wonder. Or describe something that strikes wonder in your heart. This will be collected tomorrow.  


Quiz Study Guide for 12 April 2022 in Google Classroom

Quiz Study Guide for 12 April 2022

Dear Class, here are the notes which you should already have in your notebooks, and have already answered on the worksheet last week. 

1.     Define Faith.
1. "Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that he has said and revealed to us" (CCC1814)
2. Faith is a personal act in response to God's initiation of love. 
3. As a human act, faith is embraced consciously and freely. 
4. Faith involves opening our thoughts and actions to God so that we see to know and do God's will. 
5. Faith is a gift for which we can pray and ask God to increase in us. 
6. Faith is necessary for salvation. 
2.     Explain the relationship between faith and morality.
1. Faith possesses a moral content.
2. It gives rise to and calls for a consistent life commitment.
3. It entails and brings to perfection the acceptance and observance of God’s commandments (Decalogue).
3.     Why is the relationship between faith and the Church important?
1. Faith is not an isolated act. 
2. We experience the life of faith through the Church, who believed first. 
3. The faith of the Church supports and nourishes our personal faith; The Church is our teacher in the faith. 
4. Our personal faith cannot exist in isolation from the faith of the Church. 
5. "No one can have God as Father who does not have the Church as Mother" -St. Cyprian/CCC181. 
4.     What are the implications of our faith in one God?
1. Believing in God means:
a. To know God's greatness and majesty serve God first live in thanksgiving (all we are and have come from God) 
d. to know that humanity is made in the image and likeness  of God, thereby deserving of dignity and uniting us all
e. to use created things to bring us closer to God and detach ourselves if it turns us away from him
f. to trust God in every circumstance, even in adversity
g. to strive to love like God loves (thinking, talking, and acting like Jesus). 
5.     Articulate common challenges and obstacles in remaining faithful to the teachings of the Church.
1. A growing Secularism
2. An increase in Atheism and Agnosticism
3. People placing more importance, time and energy towards power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc.--forms of modern day idolatry. 
4. The normalization of sin against Chastity (i.e., pornography, immodesty, masturbation, fornication/cohabitation)
5. Increase in moral relativism--with morality reduced to personal preferences and opinions and is divorced from the universal and divine moral law. 
6. An inconsistent practice of the sacramental life of the Church 
6.     Discuss ways we can preserve and grow our faith. 
1.     We can grow and protect our faith through:
a.     Prayer
b.     Reading, studying and praying the Word of God found in Sacred Scripture
c.     Celebrating every Sunday the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (Mass)
d.     Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Penance (Confession) as needed
7.     Explain the 3 types of temptation. 
1.     Concupiscence of the Flesh: See p. 271-275
2.     Concupiscence of the Eye: See p. 271-275
3.     Pride of Life: See p. 271-275
8.     Give examples of these three types regarding Adam and Eve and Jesus. 
See p. 271-275
9.     Give examples of these three types of temptation in your own life. 
`Reflection Question


April Saint Project in Google Classroom

April Saint Project

Dear Religion Classes, 

Here is the worksheet for April saints. Please complete and submit the project by Monday, April 4th. 


Examination of Conscience: Confessions this Week in Google Classroom

Examination of Conscience: Confessions this Week

Dear Religion classes, 

For your homework please do a good examination of conscience in order to make a good confession this week. Use the worksheet we used in class today to reflect upon your actions since last confession. 

If you were absent, the questions can be found here:

To examine your conscience, you should:

1. Find a quiet space and put yourself in the presence of God.
2. Pray that the Holy Spirit and your Guardian Angel to help you make an honest examination. 
3. Go through the questions and reflect upon them. 
4.Write down your sins. 
5. Thank the Holy Spirit and your Guardian Angel for helping you reflect on your sins. 
6. Take the sheet to your confession so you can confess everything. 


March Saint Project in Google Classroom

March Saint Project

Dear All, please begin your March Saint Project. It will be due on the 28th of February. I will collect these in class.


15 February 2022 Reflection Paragraph in Google Classroom

15 February 2022 Reflection Paragraph

Dear Class, 

This is just a reminder that if you did not finish your paragraph in class today, then please complete it fro homework. I will collect these tomorrow in class. 

The task was to write a complete paragraph on a time when you experienced a difficult situation, which afterwards proved to be a blessing since you were able to gain something from it. Remember, for example, Jesus suffers and dies for us, but in this pain and suffering, we are saved and are able to increase in our faith and love for God. 


February Saint Project in Google Classroom

February Saint Project

Dear All, 

Please print the attached worksheet and complete the February saint project. This will be due IN CLASS on Wednesday,  February 2, 2022.


13 December 2021 in Google Classroom

13 December 2021

For Homework, please complete the back of today's handout, titled, Expectations. 

This will be due tomorrow, 14 December 2021.  


November 16 2021 Drawing in Google Classroom

November 16 2021 Drawing

Dear 8th Grade, 

As a separate homework, please summon up all your artistic talent and draw the scene of Mathew 3:13-17 which is informed by your understanding of the Baptism of Jesus through your engagement with it in prayer/class discussions/Lectio Divina. 

This will be due on Friday in religion class. 


16 November 2021 Lectio Divina in Google Classroom

16 November 2021 Lectio Divina

Dear 8th Grade. Great class today!

For homework, please finish up your Lectio Divina:

1. Review you Journal Starters so far (1-4)
2. Re-read Mathew 3:13 as a refresher
3. Sit for 3-5 minutes (or more!) in silence with the passage.
4. Do Journal starter 5 in your notebook. 
5. Upload your journal entries to GOOGLE CLASSROOM.  


November 15, 2021 in Google Classroom

November 15, 2021

For Homework make sure you complete pp. 32 and 33 in the textbook. 
1. Answer the questions on pg. 32
2. Watch the video:
3. Answer questions on pp. 33
4. Upload your homework to Google Classroom. 


November 10, 2021 Spiritual Adoption Program, Baby Names in Google Classroom

November 10, 2021 Spiritual Adoption Program, Baby Names

Dear Religion Classes, 

In order to have everyone's baby names archived in one place, I am asking you to upload a picture of your Spiritual Adoption Card showing the baby name you have selected. If you do not have your card, please write it on a 3x5 card and upload a picture here on Google Classroom. Please note the following requirements:

1. This is due by Monday 11:59pm for full credit. Late submissions will be deducted 50%.
2.  Baby names should be respectful and genuine, and not offensive to other cultures or backgrounds. 

Have a great weekend!


October 27, 2021 (Monthly Saint Research Project) in Google Classroom

October 27, 2021 (Monthly Saint Research Project)

Dear Classes, 

You may not begin this assignment until you have completed the "Selecting a Saint" assignment. 

Once you have selected a saint that no one in your class has, then you may proceed with this assignment. You must:

1. Print the attached worksheet. 
2. Fill in the information after researching your saint. 
3. Sketch your saint.
4. Turn the project in to me in person by the due date in our religion class.   


October 27, 2021 Selecting a saint in Google Classroom

October 27, 2021 Selecting a saint

Dear Religion classes, 

1. Do a Google Search and find a Saint whose feast day is in the month of November. 

2. Check the comments section to see if anyone has selected that saint. If they have, you must select a different saint. If no one has selected it, you may do your research project on that saint. 

3. Enter the name of your saint in the comments below if no one has selected it.

4. This assignment is due by the end of the week. 

5. After you have finished this assignment, then you may proceed with the Monthly Saint Research Project , which I will assign on Google Classroom. 



October 21, 2021 in Google Classroom

October 21, 2021

Dear Class, 

There was no homework per se. 

With that said, you should:

1. Upload your answers to the Lectio Divina questions to Google Classroom for credit before class this Friday.
2. Turn in your Lectio Divina drawings by Friday to me in person if you have not done so. 

Also for the test:
3. Continue reviewing your notes in preparation for the upcoming test on Unit 1, Lessons 2 and 3. 
4. Be able to write the "Signum Crucis" and the "Gloria Patri" in Latin. 
5. Be familiar with the Joyful mysteries and 2 or 3 deeper meanings for each mystery. 

And always be proactive and:
6. Contact your classmates if you are missing notes/did not take adequate notes in class. 
7. Begin connecting with study partners as a way to help each other study (for all subjects!). 

*Reminder: We will continue with the test review into next week and you should be taking notes. You are not copying the slides word for word. You are jotting down key ideas/words, main points, and developing your own shorthand. 

**Additional Reminder: Even if no homework is posted it would behoove you to spend at least 5-10 minutes each night reviewing recent material/ideas/content. You know that test is always around the shouldn't be waiting till the last minute to cram for it. 


October 18, 2021 in Google Classroom

October 18, 2021

Watch the video,

Do page 31, and upload answers to Google Classroom.


October 13, 2021 in Google Classroom

October 13, 2021

Please complete p. 30 in the textbook. 


October 11, 2021 in Google Classroom

October 11, 2021

For homework pleas complete the following:

1. Read Genesis 2:18, 21-24. This can be found easily online or in your home Bible. 

2. Listen to "Like the Dawn"

3. Do p. 25 reflection questions

4. Do P. 26-Imagine you are a reporter present in Genesis 2: 18, 21-24. What kind of article would you write? Think of a headline, write a short news story, and sketch a picture  on page 26.

5. Complete 27-28 (Love Songs)

6. Turn it in and upload pics on Google Classroom.


October 6, 2021 UPDATED HOMEWORK (PLEASE CHECK) in Google Classroom


For Homework complete the following pages in your textbook:

1. Watch the Lion King clip:
Complete p. 20 
2. Complete Parts II and III (pp. 22-23)

3. Complete p. 24 of the textbook. 

4. Upload pictures of your completed work (pages 20-24) in Google classroom. 


October 5, 2021 in Google Classroom

October 5, 2021

For homework, please do the following pages from the textbook:

1. pp. 18-19 (Trinity and Love)
2. pp. 21-22 (Part I Human Dignity and the Purpose of Government)
3. Complete the Lectio Divina Assignment: Review the Lectio Divina powerpoint I have uploaded and complete the 5 journal entries. Genesis 1 and 2 can be read in any Bible, or downloaded online. 


September 30, 2021 - October 3, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 30, 2021 - October 3, 2021

Please print the attached form and complete it over the weekend. This will be due on Monday, October 4, 2021. 


September 29, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 29, 2021

The Little Way

Please complete the following tasks related to St. Therese of Lisieux:

1. Finish reading the excerpt that we were unable to finish in class:

Therese saw herself as a child of God. She liked to keep things simple and focused as a child does. Trust, especially trust in God, is a childlike virtue. Some spiritualities have stressed complicated practices and extraordinary journeys of the soul as it responds to God’s grace and love. Therese’s spirituality is simple and she calls it her “little way.” She believed and taught us that life presents enough challenges and opportunities for grace. She teaches us that God is everywhere – in every situation and person – and in the ordinary, simple details of life.

“Everything is grace” is probably the theme song of her spirituality. Her “Little Way” teaches us to do the ordinary things of life with extraordinary love. A smile, a note of encouragement, a phone call, suffering in silence, always having a positive word, a simple unnoticed task to brighten the life of another, and so many other simple deeds, done with love – these are the examples of her spirituality. The smallest action, done with love, is more important than great deeds done for personal glory, gratification or simply out of obedience. Therese teaches us that Jesus is everywhere and is the power for love and goodness operating within us. Such is the power and presence of grace. Therese’s life was hidden. To many even in the convent, she seemed like such an average, ordinary person. Her greatness showed in the constancy of her love for others in the most simple ways.

Even in prayer, Therese teaches simplicity – talking to God and Jesus in direct, personal and heartfelt ways. She did not like long prayers. She fell asleep during community prayer. She disliked the rosary. She prayed from her heart as a child speaks honestly and trustingly to a parent they love. God calls us to respond to Divine Love in a childlike relationship of love, trust and bold confidence to “Abba” (which literally means ‘Dad’), and by doing the simple things for others, well and with love.

Therese was faithful to the Gospel of Jesus and the core of his message. She invites us to join in her “spiritual childhood” or “little way.” The power, appeal and simplicity of her message is why our Church declared her a Doctor of the Church in 1997.

2. On a fresh sheet of paper, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph explaining the Little Way. 

3. Copy the following quote:

"True Charity consists in bearing with all the defects of our neighbor, in not being surprised at his failings, and in being edified by his least virtues; Charity must not remain shut up in the depths of the heart, for no man lighteth a candle and putteth it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine to all that are in the house. (Cf. Matthew 5:15). It seems to me that this candle represents the Charity which ought to enlighten and make joyful, not only those who are dearest to me, but all who are in the house."
4. Summarize the quote in your own words. 
5. Memorize the Act of Contrition


September 27, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 27, 2021

For Homework:

1. Examine your conscience by reflecting on the questions provided here:

2. Write down those things you feel are weighing down on your heart. Be ready to confess these things at confession this week. Be sure to rip this paper up and throw it away after confession!

3. Memorize the Act of Contrition.

4. Write the Act of Contrition on a card and have it ready


September 28, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 28, 2021

Your homework is to complete the following assignment:

1. Get a fresh sheet of paper. Remember to put your name, date, and an original title. 

2. Copy the following quote by St. Therese of Lisieux: 

You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.

3. Tell me 3 little sacrifices of love you have done in the past. Write in complete sentences. 

4. Think about 3 additional sacrifices of love you can do now in response to difficulties you may be facing. Write in complete sentences. 

If you would like to review the content, here is what we used in class:

Part 1:
Part 2:



October Saints in Google Classroom

October Saints

Please pick a new saint and complete and submit the google form. 


September 24, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 24, 2021

For Homework, take it easy over the weekend. You deserve it!


September 21, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 21, 2021

1. Continue to review Unit 1 Vocabulary
2. Review all notes from class from Unit 1
3. Memorize Mathew 6:9-13 and John 4:16
4. Illustrate Luke 7: 11-15 as you imagined it during Lectio Divina today.


September 20, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 20, 2021

1. Review vocabulary pp. 4-6
2. Copy scripture pp. 9-17
3. Begin memorizing 1 John 4:16 and Mathew 6:9-13  (pp. 11/14)