Parent Life » ePACT


Our Lady of Grace School uses ePACT as our emergency information system. We use ePACT to capture authorized persons for pick-up, student allergy information, and emergency contacts. Each student is required to have an ePACT account created or updated before the school year begins. Please follow the steps below to set up your child's ePACT account. You may call the school secretary with any questions. 
2.) Click on "My ePACT" the tab is located on the top left
3.) (These steps need to be repeated for each student)
4.) Click on Student's name 
5.) A pop-up box will open; the first line will say "(Student Name) Organizations" below that you will see "Our Lady of Grace School" Click on "Our Lady of Grace School" 
6.) Scroll Down, to the end of the page - You will See "Emergency Contacts" to the right of that you will see a BLUE edit button - Click on the blue edit button 
7.) The 3rd section down will say "Pick Up List" - Click on the green "add new pick up contact" and add the person to the pickup list and SAVE
8.) Repeat these steps for each student account